Community Ministries


St Richard's offers its facilities as hosting site for various AA Groups including the following:
Al-Anon – Tuesdays and Friday at 6:30 a.m.
AA Open Speaker – Tuesdays at 8 pm
AA – Thursdays at 12:30 and 6:30 pm
ACoA – Wednesday at 2:30 pm and 7 pm; Thursday at 7:30 pm

Event Space is Available

We have a reasonable donation request based on time and spaces used. St. Richard’s has a large Parish Hall that seats 120 people at 15 round tables. Our kitchen facilities are large and accommodating. Please contact the Rev. Alison Harrity to schedule your event at 407-671-4211. Please visit our page on event space for rent.

Home of Bright Choices

Home of Bright Choices is not a for-profit 501c organization. Home of Bright Choices, Inc (HBC) is a parent-driven organization that believes people with developmental and cognitive disabilities should have the same rights as everyone else. To live with others who are compatible in age and abilities; to be out in the community interacting with individuals with and without disabilities; and, to have meaningful life experiences that are educational and fun.

HBC's current programs focus on prevocational and soft skills development through the culinary arts and visual art form. HBC meets monthly at St. Richard's. Visit them online at Their Facebook page is at You can email them at

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Overeater's Anonymous

Meetings: Saturdays at 9 a.m.


Come learn a gentle yet powerful and natural healing system. Reiki means “spiritually guided life force energy.” Reiki is a system of healing yourself and others through deep relaxation, encouraging self-healing, strengthening body and soul, balancing and rebuilding harmony. It is one of God’s gifts to us. All can learn this ancient and gentle technique. Join our workshops led by our resident Reiki Master, Tiffany Lane. For more information, contact Tiffany at

Scout Troop 62 and Cub Scout Pack 62

Scouting is coming to St. Richard’s! Scout Troop 62 and Cub Scout Pack 62 have moved to St. Richard’s as their new home and will meet every Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Cub Pack 62 (ages 6-10) are having a mid-year kickoff on Thursday, February 2, at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall for any boys or girls interested in being a part of the pack! Come join us for fun arts and crafts, outdoor adventures, and new friends! For information, contact our Scoutmaster, Ray Pini, at or call 908-720-5491.New Paragraph

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